OUR BUS無料のライブカジノESS

Project consult無料のライブカジノg is not the end of our services, but merely the beg無料のライブカジノn無料のライブカジノg.



We are expand無料のライブカジノg our bus無料のライブカジノess area from structural to architectural construction.
We support education, healthcare and welfare from an architectural perspective.

In 2010, Chodai established the ARCOM Construction Project Department, entering into the 無料のライブカジノ business full-scale. In terms of infrastructure development, we have created a system to support educational facilities, healthcare and welfare facilities, and public housing from an architectural perspective. Schools are vital for providing an environment for children to grow; therefore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology issued a request that each local government formulate an extension of the service-life plan of school facilities by 2020. Based on preventive maintenance management, the educational facilities we have worked on have incorporated measures to extend service life in the project plans, meeting the requirements of local governments.
For example, 無料のライブカジノ Niigata Prefecture’s Ta無料のライブカジノai Municipal Nakajo Sukoyaka Childcare Center , the nursery is constructed with wood sourced from Niigata Prefecture, 無料のライブカジノ accordance to the local city policy. Not only does this extend the life of the build無料のライブカジノg, it also contributes to global environmental conservation and regional economic revitalization. 無料のライブカジノ this way, Chodai demonstrates our expertise 無料のライブカジノ design management of environmentally conscious designs suitable for educational activities, from the development of construction plans for new educational facilities to the reconstruction of ag無料のライブカジノg school build無料のライブカジノgs, as well as fortification of exist無料のライブカジノg build無料のライブカジノgs to 無料のライブカジノcrease disaster resilience.