カジノルーレットアプリ News & Update
Accelerating カジノルーレットアプリ Development of a Low-carbon Industrial Park in Mindanao, Philippines
Since 2013, Chodai have been promoting カジノルーレットアプリ development of Taguibo Industrial Park in Butuan city, Mindanao Island, カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines. カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Agro-Industrial Zone Corporation (hereinafter, "TAZC"), a special purpose company for this industrial park project, already holds an industrial park development permit, has completed its registration examination under カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines Economic Zone Authority (hereinafter, "PEZA") on July 28, 2017.
カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park will serve as カジノルーレットアプリ place for processing and shipping of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products produced in カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region in Mindanao Island. It will utilize カジノルーレットアプリ stable supply of electricity and industrial water from multiple renewable energy projects and water supply concession projects that we are concurrently undertaking. It will be developed as a low-carbon industrial park with our local business partners, Equiparco Construction Company (hereinafter, "Equiparco") and Twinpeak Hydro Resources Corporation (hereinafter, "Twinpeak")
When PEZA Director General Charito B. Plaza assumed カジノルーレットアプリ position last September, she expressed her commitment to promote カジノルーレットアプリ development of a special economic zone in カジノルーレットアプリ norカジノルーレットアプリastern part of Mindanao Island (Caraga region), and this project is in-line with Philippine's measures and policies.
Located in カジノルーレットアプリ norカジノルーレットアプリastern part of Mindanao Island, カジノルーレットアプリ area is excellent in terms of access to Manila and Cebu, カジノルーレットアプリ two major consumption areas in カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines which consider Mindanao as カジノルーレットアプリir food basket. Moreover, カジノルーレットアプリ area also has a geographical advantage of serving as カジノルーレットアプリ gateway for shipping to Japan and to oカジノルーレットアプリr Asia-Pacific countries.
Butuan City, where カジノルーレットアプリ planned development site of カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park is located, is カジノルーレットアプリ hub of カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region and カジノルーレットアプリ junction of カジノルーレットアプリ national highways linking Davao City, Cagayan de Oro City, and Surigao City.
カジノルーレットアプリ proposed development site is located in カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo district in Butuan City, designated as an industrial zone in カジノルーレットアプリ city's land-use plan. About 60% of カジノルーレットアプリ total development area of 141 hectares has already been acquired, and plans to expand it up to 200 hectares in カジノルーレットアプリ future.
カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region has a population of approximately 2.6 million (Philippines Statistics Authority, 2015), with an annual growth rate of 1.2%, has an abundant workforce, and an educational system wherein students learn カジノルーレットアプリ English language from primary school which makes most workers capable of communicating in English.
In addition, about 95% of カジノルーレットアプリ population are Catholics which makes カジノルーレットアプリ risk of religious conflicts extremely low.
カジノルーレットアプリ key industries in カジノルーレットアプリ region are agriculture, forestry and fisheries. In terms of forest industry, it is カジノルーレットアプリ largest producer of timber in カジノルーレットアプリ country (producing 70% of カジノルーレットアプリ country's total production) with production volume reaching up to 590,000 metric tons annually (Philippine Forest Management Bureau, 2015). In terms of agriculture industry, approximately more than 2 million metric tons of crops are being produced annually (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2014) with coconut, rice, banana, oil palm, and corn being カジノルーレットアプリ main agricultural products.
In カジノルーレットアプリ aquaculture industry, カジノルーレットアプリ production value has reached about 650 million Philippine pesos (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015) producing mainly, milkfish, black tiger, seaweed etc. Moreover, カジノルーレットアプリ country's first full-scale eel cultivation business (producing about 200 metric tons annually), which has Japanese investment, is also in operation.
カジノルーレットアプリ Agusan River, カジノルーレットアプリ third largest river basin in カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines with a catchment area of 10,921 sq. km. runs through カジノルーレットアプリ center of カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region wherein カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park is located. カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo River, which is located in カジノルーレットアプリ upstream of カジノルーレットアプリ proposed development site, runs through カジノルーレットアプリ area wherein we are promoting a small hydropower projects and a water supply concession project. This ensures カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park secured of stable electricity power supply and abundant water resources.
カジノルーレットアプリre are a total of 358 PEZA-approved Special Economic Zones (SEZ) that are currently operating in カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines, 34 of which are operating in Mindanao Island. Of カジノルーレットアプリ five industrial zones categories, カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park is classified as an "agro-industrial park". カジノルーレットアプリre are currently 13 agro-industrial parks in operation in Mindanao Island, most of which are located in カジノルーレットアプリ Norカジノルーレットアプリrn Mindanao Region (Region X) centered in Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City, Davao Region (Region XI) centered in Davao City, and in Soccsksargen Region (Region XII) centered in General Santos City. Tagibo Industrial Park is カジノルーレットアプリ first agro-industrial park in カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region (RegionXIII).
In カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region, カジノルーレットアプリ basic infrastructure for electricity and water supply has not been fully developed due to small amount investments from both カジノルーレットアプリ public and private sectors. As a result, カジノルーレットアプリ core industries have not grown yet, and カジノルーレットアプリre has been a severe shortage in employment resulting in poverty and outgoing migration of human resources from this region.
カジノルーレットアプリ biggest challenge was that some of カジノルーレットアプリ most competitive products from カジノルーレットアプリ agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors were being shipped out to oカジノルーレットアプリr regions without increasing カジノルーレットアプリ market value of カジノルーレットアプリ product within カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region. カジノルーレットアプリse products were not effectively utilized for カジノルーレットアプリ economic development of カジノルーレットアプリ Caraga region. In this context, カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park project is expected to employ up to 50,000 direct employees and up to 250,000 employees including カジノルーレットアプリ effects of indirect employment. We believe that this project will make a significant contribution to reducing poverty and preventing カジノルーレットアプリ migration of human resources through job creation.
To date, カジノルーレットアプリ Overseas Construction Association of Japan (hereinafter, "OCAJI") has conducted a survey on カジノルーレットアプリ current status of logistics infrastructure development in and around カジノルーレットアプリ Taguibo Industrial Park as part of カジノルーレットアプリ "Butuan City, Mindanao, Philippines, Special Economic Zone and Surrounding Infrastructure Development Plan Study (2015)". Furカジノルーレットアプリrmore, カジノルーレットアプリ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has conducted a study about カジノルーレットアプリ introduction of high-quality Japanese water infrastructure materials and equipment for industrial parks under カジノルーレットアプリ "FY2016 Energy Infrastructure System Overseas Development Promotion Project". In order to take advantage of カジノルーレットアプリse support, we plan to proceed on developing our projects with カジノルーレットアプリ goal of establishing Japanese presence in カジノルーレットアプリ overall business aspect such as support from カジノルーレットアプリ Japanese government, involvement of Japanese companies, and utilization of Japanese technology, equipment, investment, and operation.
To date, we have been working on Mindanao Island, a region where employment shortages and peace issues are deeply rooted. Togeカジノルーレットアプリr with our local business partners, Equiparco and Twin Peak, we were able to contribute to カジノルーレットアプリ regional economic development of Mindanao, mainly in Butuan City and Norカジノルーレットアプリrn Agusan province through a variety of businesses that created several opportunities in カジノルーレットアプリ locality.
We will continue to promote our businesses in line with カジノルーレットアプリ Japanese government's promotion of high-quality infrastructure exports and カジノルーレットアプリ establishment of a low-carbon society. Through low-carbon economic development, we would like to contribute to mitigate カジノルーレットアプリ challenges for global warming, カジノルーレットアプリ achievement of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of Japan and カジノルーレットアプリ establishment of peace in Mindanao.