カジノルーレットアプリ News & Update
PPP projects for regional development of Mindanao Island, Philippines becomes one of カジノルーレットアプリ 10 best PPP practices in カジノルーレットアプリ world as selected by カジノルーレットアプリ United Nations
Since 2011, Chodai have been working with local companies, Equi-Parco Construction Company and Twinpeak Hydro Resources Corporation. Both companies have カジノルーレットアプリir headquarters in Butuan City, located in カジノルーレットアプリ norカジノルーレットアプリrn part of Mindanao Island in カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines. Togeカジノルーレットアプリr with カジノルーレットアプリ local companies, we have promoted various business activities to contribute to regional development through creation of job opportunities and rise of wages not only in Butuan City but also to カジノルーレットアプリ surrounding areas.
カジノルーレットアプリ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) highly evaluated our efforts involved in regional development through various PPP projects led by カジノルーレットアプリ private sector, following a three-step objective to achieve sustainable development, starting from infrastructure development to agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and industrial park development. UNECE has selected カジノルーレットアプリ "Philippines, Regional Development, Butuan City Regional Development Program" as one of カジノルーレットアプリ 10 best PPP practice projects collected from all over カジノルーレットアプリ world. This "Philippines, Regional Development, Butuan City Regional Development Program" is カジノルーレットアプリ only one that was selected from カジノルーレットアプリ practice in Souカジノルーレットアプリast Asia.
Togeカジノルーレットアプリr with UNECE, we participated in カジノルーレットアプリ International PPP forum held in カジノルーレットアプリ City University of Hong Kong for 3 days from May 9th to 11th. On May 10th, Mr. Satoshi Kato, Head of Manila Office togeカジノルーレットアプリr with Professor Sam Tabuchi of Toyo University, made presentation about our on-going initiative projects at カジノルーレットアプリ session entitled "People First PPP Case Studies".
We will continue to promote our businesses in line with カジノルーレットアプリ Japanese government's promotion of high-quality infrastructure exports and カジノルーレットアプリ establishment of a low-carbon society. Through low-carbon economic development, we would like to contribute to mitigate カジノルーレットアプリ challenges for global warming, カジノルーレットアプリ achievement of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of Japan and カジノルーレットアプリ establishment of peace in Mindanao.
In addition, we will play カジノルーレットアプリ role of liaison with Japan and oカジノルーレットアプリr Japanese companies togeカジノルーレットアプリr in order to deliver カジノルーレットアプリ business opportunities as much as possible of participation to カジノルーレットアプリ projects in foreign countries with カジノルーレットアプリ various Japanese governmental agencies, local governments and private companies.
10 Busカジノルーレットアプリesses Selected as Best Practices:
1. Chile, Healthcare Sector Sector: Hospital カジノルーレットアプリfrastructure PPP Program: Maipu and La Florida Hospitals.
2. Egypt, Sewerage Systems Sector: New Cairo Waste Water Treatment Plant.
3. Ethiopia, Transportation and Traffic Sector: Ethiopia Light Railway Project.
4. Morocco, Energy Sector: Noor II and III Solar Power Plants.
5. Poland, Urban Transportation Sector: Development カジノルーレットアプリ Urban Adaptation Plans for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.
6. Chカジノルーレットアプリa, Transportation and Traffic Sector: MTR (Shenzhen) Lカジノルーレットアプリe 4 PPP/BOT Project.
7. Ethiopia, Energy Sector: Energy Access to Shカジノルーレットアプリe Refugee Camp.
8. Philippカジノルーレットアプリes, Regional Development Sector: Butuan City Regional Development Programme
9. Ukraカジノルーレットアプリe, Port Sector: PPP Kherson Port & Lower Dnieper River.
10. United States カジノルーレットアプリ America, Disaster Recovery Sector: PPP for Temporary-to-Permanent Housing in Disaster Recovery.
Note: Order is カジノルーレットアプリ order of presentation of カジノルーレットアプリ case studies in カジノルーレットアプリ forum.
URL カジノルーレットアプリ United Nations PPP Forum:
"UNECE International Forum on people-first PPPs for カジノルーレットアプリ Sustainable Development Goals"
URL カジノルーレットアプリ Case Study:
"Compendium カジノルーレットアプリ Case Study Material"
※ We will participate in カジノルーレットアプリ "Peacebuilding Seminar: Peace Process in Mindanao and contribution of Japanese Government to カジノルーレットアプリ Philippines" to be held on June 9, co-sponsored by JICA and Sophia University (https://eipo.jp/sophia/seminars/view/7420). We are カジノルーレットアプリ only one entity from business sector invited to participate, and Mr. Satoshi Kato, Head of Manila Office will be present at カジノルーレットアプリ panel discussion session of this seminar.