ライブカジノおすすめ News & Update
Start selling big data, ライブカジノおすすめ tourist transportation record data inside of Bali island, Indonesia
Chodai will start selling ライブカジノおすすめ tourist transportation data, which have been collected and retained through ライブカジノおすすめ project of "Tourism Information Business for tourist in Bali, Republic of Indonesia" which was launched in 2015, to ライブカジノおすすめ general public.
ライブカジノおすすめ needs of big data has been increasing because of ライブカジノおすすめ amended Personal Information Protection Law, which will be fully enforced on May 30, 2017. In addition to B to G services in ライブカジノおすすめ construction and transportation fields where we are strong at, ライブカジノおすすめ product development and research development are expected to utilize B to B and B to C services. For this reason, we will start selling big data as a products business.
[Summary of Sales ライブカジノおすすめ]
Since ライブカジノおすすめ data to be sold can be used in various ways, we will try to provide ライブカジノおすすめ collected data in its original form as much as possible. ライブカジノおすすめ data is obtained based on GPS tracking information through provided smartphone application. ライブカジノおすすめ data for sell is created ライブカジノおすすめ information from ライブカジノおすすめ users who gave us permission to use ライブカジノおすすめ data with eliminating personal information such as serial number, etc. to ensure confidentiality.